John Edwards in 2008
Well it is official; Senator John Edwards is in the race. On Wednesday Mr. Edwards, who was in New Orleans’ lower 9th Ward, made it clear that he was going to actively pursue the nomination for President from the Democratic National Committee. Does the former Vice-Presidential candidate have what it takes to claim the top of the ticket in 2008?
Having been on the previous ticket during the last round of Presidential elections certainly helps with Mr. Edward’s efforts to gain the nomination. He is currently the only contender in the race with the experience of running a national campaign as a candidate, being a wife does not count. He will be able to tap into the system and networks that were behind John Kerry’s failed run for the White House and possible tap into the donor lists as well. He has the experience of going toe to toe with Vice-President Cheney in the debates; there is certainly no one on either side of the aisle running for President more wonkish or scary than that of Dick Cheney. He also has the benefit of being out of office for the past two years.
During his time out of political office Senator Edwards has been able to develop a reputation as a populist and champion of the lower class. Following his defeat in 2004 he was named Director of the University of North Carolina’s Center on Poverty, Work, and Opportunity. He has also toured the nation touting reforms aimed at lifting the economic and social burdens placed on this country’s working-poor and middle class. Using his time out of office he has been able to formulate opinions regarding a wide range of issues without the weight of Washington politicos bearing down upon him. He will use his stances on poverty, healthcare, and the environment as a way to appeal to the middle of America leading into the 2008 primary season.
Currently Mr. Edwards runs side by side with Senator Barak Obama in several primary state straw polls, which includes being ahead of presumed frontrunner Hillary Clinton. This does not surprise me in the least bit. Senator Edwards has a very warm and folksy demeanor which allowed him to place well in the Iowa and South Carolina primaries in 04’. He is in sharp contrast to that of Senator Clinton who tends to come off with an air of arrogance, as well as one who draws extremely high negatives both within her party and from outside. If you are likeable and non-threatening there is a great chance more will support you, or even better not vote against you.
The one issue that might arise is his experience. Having served only 1 term in the United States Senate, he may be confronted with the claim that he has not paid his dues, as well as lacks the needed experience in office to effectively execute the duties of President. If he has done his homework in the last 2 years he can avoid that pitfall by appearing well read and well informed on some of the major issues facing the nation both home and abroad. He will need to surround himself with hardened policy analysts who can steer him in the right direction and keep him from making Kerryian gaffes.
If he can stay under the radar and away from the bright lights which will be cast down upon Senators Obama and Clinton, Mr. Edwards may have the best shot to receive the party’s endorsement for President. Furthermore I believe that an Edwards-Obama ticket would be a very formidable pairing. Both men are well educated, youthful, hopeful, optimistic, as well as oozing with charisma. It would be a nice contrast to the doom & gloom era of politics we are currently in. I believe right now, a little under two years away from the election, that John Edwards has the best shot at securing the top slot for the Democrats. There is the 800 pound gorilla that is Al Gore, but I don't believe that he will enter the race; though it he does decide to do so he will get the nomination hands down.
Edwards 08'
I think Edwards is great but I just don't know what has changed since 2004 except that he is two years older. The more I think about the Dems in 2008, the more I think the nomination is Al Gore's to lose: he was robbed in 2000, has been consistently right on Iraq (unlike Hillary), and will not have a problem with either cash or name recognition... I wrote a story on this at
thank you for your thoughtful comments on my blog--I think your site is great and I've put a link to it up on my page--
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