San Soucri's Politics

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Newt Gingrich in 2008

The last scion of the conservative movement bore during the age of Reagan is currently being shopped around Washington D.C. as a possible Presidential contender in 2008. If this rumor bares fruition, Mr. Gingrich should decline any nomination by the Republican Party for President based on his upstanding principles regarding American conservatism. The Republican Party of the 21st Century is the party of George W. Bush, not that of Ronald W. Reagan. If Mr. Gingrich accepts any such nomination it will mean that he publicly endorses the failed political policies of a pseudo-conservative agenda brought forth by the current administration and Republican National Committee.

The Republican Party today is that of enormous government expansion and even larger government spending. Is Mr. Gingrich willing to throw away his principles and ideologies for a shot at returning to elected political power? Let us hope not.

What Mr. Gingrich should do as the election season heats up is continue his work with “Winning the Future”, his idea for a 21st Century Contract with America. By doing so, Mr. Gingrich will position himself as the voice of Reaganesque conservativism. As the leading voice of a “silent majority “within the Republican Party, Mr. Gingrich will have the ability to play kingmaker leading up to the Republican Party’s nominating convention. By commanding the conservative wing of the party Mr. Gingrich guarantees himself a say in who leads the Republicans in a post Bush/Neo-Conservative era. If he can steer the Republican Party from the hinterlands of political miscalculation he will garner more power than any Presidential aspirant.


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