San Soucri's Politics

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Barak Obama in 2008

Barak Obama, the junior Senator from Illinois has been captivating audiences since his keynote speech at the 2004 Democratic National Convention; he now holds the media captive with his movement toward the Presidency. But is the Presidency truly what Mr. Obama is seeking in 2008 or is he looking to preside over the Senate until 2016?

Concerning the qualities that Mr. Obama brings to the fledgling Presidential race it is said the he gives people hope, has charm and charisma, yet lacks the experience needed to be President in the age of global terrorism. I believe all of these adjectives to be true. Having read both Dreams of my Father and The Audacity of Hope I found his writings to be inspiring and introspective, but lacking of depth that some might hope a future President would have regarding many of the major issues this country is currently facing.

Regarding the ever increasing field of Democratic candidates for President, Mr. Obama seems to be playing second fiddle to the leviathan that is Sen. Hillary Clinton. As 2008 draws nearer it may become apparent that Mr. Obama sees the Vice-Presidency as an office more attainable than that of the Presidency. Knowing that there are candidates with vastly greater experience than he (Gore, Clinton, Richardson, Bayh), Mr. Obama may position himself heading into primary season as a President in-waiting. Assuming he knows that four years of service in the Senate is not enough to convince the American electorate to send him to the White House; he will work towards securing the nomination for Vice-President.

Any scenario with Mr. Obama as the Vice-Presidential nominee works in his favor. If the ticket happens to win he has four to eight years to prep for a run in 2016, gaining critical experience needed to be Commander-in-Chief. If the ticket happens to lose, Mr. Obama is the perfect candidate for 2012, having had the knowledge of a full scale Presidential run as well as four more years sitting in the United States Senate. I believe that Mr. Obama is political astute enough to realize his chances of getting the top of the ticket in 2008 are unlikely, but a nod for the Vice-Presidency will be his best hope at attaining the office he truly wants.

This piece can be seen in the Washington Times Editorial Pages from December 2006.


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